Evaluation Process

Evaluation Process

At APTTI, we follow a very easy and convenient method of evaluation for the aspirants. When you sign up with us, we will provide you with course modules. As you complete each module there will be a set of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ). You have to answer those MCQs. Check the answers yourself also as the answers are given at the end also.

Now, for the bigger evaluation, you will be given an assignment at the end of the course. The tutors and evaluators will check your submitted assignment within ten days. If there are any places to improve more, you will be asked to resubmit making moderations. You will find detailed comments at the end of the assignment. Give them a thorough read, and you can assess yourself efficiently.

Value Of Certificate

  • The certificates we provide to you are accredited by reputed and recognized by international bodies
  • The certificates are notarized from Canada
  • The certificates contain emblems of the logos of not only APTTI but International TEFL Canada also as we are a sister concern of it
  • All the courses are endorsed by international academic bodies and approved and validated as well
  • You receive the certificates within 30-90 days after you finish the course for they are dispatched right after the course
  • No need to worry about "online" or "distance course" mentioned on the certificate for there are not any
  • Indian learners do not have to pay any shipping charge for receiving the certificate at their address